
and she love like she nvr did.. ❤

Friday, July 1, 2016

Hello darlings, I have moved. Check me out on the other

side http://blog.myfatpocket.com/jessoxm/

and she love like she nvr did.. ❤

Friday, December 30, 2011
Finally I have downloaded blogger apps into my iPhone! I should have done that a long time ago! Back to e older post of havin trouble to upload photos of my grandpa in church.... Why have I not thought of the apps that could have helped? (FYI, I used my iPhone to publish that particular post!). Lol.

Enough said.

Today's a bad bad day for me. If you have read through my blog you will probably think that everyday's a bad day for me. Ah ha ha... Probably?

First of all - I woke up late (as usual)
Miss the train (as usual)
Late for work (as usual)

Then my computer starts to fail me. And I have to send it to the hospital (our company's cloning centre) and it took me quite a while before I have everything transferred into my new computer that was received last week.

My bad hair day was adding to my stress. It got on my nerve that I decided to have it snapped off last minute just before lunch, during my lunch break. Uh huh... And wouldnt that have made me feel better? Nope, not at all. I was whining throughout the lunch break and on the journey back to office because the lady obviously trimmed my whole hair that it became so thin! I don't like it 

Computer's back, settled everything and it's just 2 hrs away from knocked off. I got so busy that i have not realized the timing and just right before I left my office, I rmbed myself putting the umbrella at e balcony this morning to sun it because my umbrella was stinking from yesterday's rain, where I kept it back into its container immediately upon arrival at my destination, without letting it dry.

I wasn't surprised that my umbrella went missing from the balcony. I went straight to e end and check it and it wasn't there (my company's balcony is a very long stretch). I secured the string to a knob but it's still blown away. Lol, how retarded am I to place my umbrella out there in such windy day. Dumbo me. Now I'm left w the container without a head, lol? (just like a bottle without a cap). My umbrella is the very cute kimono doll, if u know how it looks like - it's retailing almost everywhere.

Really bad day uh? And I'm now late to my agency.......(as usual) hahah. But I'm sure it's gonna be a better day than this, tmr (:

Hope yours is as well.

Jesslin a.k.a. heartxbr0kenz
29dec11, 1923

and she love like she nvr did.. ❤

Sunday, November 27, 2011
AlOne. Swing. Tears. Midnight. Hurting ;'(

and she love like she nvr did.. ❤

Saturday, March 19, 2011
Woke up "early morning" despite sleeping late at 2 plus last night, just to accompany granddad to his church. Maid is not around to push him all the way to church, so I shall take up her role for the time being.. We are lucky enough because a kind hearted guy from church, "Mr Lim" came to drive us there, just 5-10 mins drive away from my place.. But if I were to push, I think it would take up half an hr? Hee... Surprisingly, I've been to this church before once when I was younger, at rivelife.. Www.riverlife.org.sg .Not very used to their culture here, comparing to my church, I still love my church the most ;))

Look at granddad, so smiley ;))

The food they served, simple yet yummy.

I'm happy and proud that I am able to do smth for granddad as a role of granddaughter. <3 shall upload e photo when it's available.

19mar11 1147

and she love like she nvr did.. ❤

Monday, March 14, 2011
ah ha! Maybe I should start blogging... My page is filled with cobwebs! Wonder who still visits my page.

Anyway, so much happened since I last blogged. Grandma is no longer around and im sure she is up there looking after all of us.. I hope everything will be fine in the family soon! Hmm, sometimes I really hate myself for having a broken family, but comparing to others, I may be a little better off than them. So should stop complaining!

Work is as usual.. More workload coming my way, but that's for my survival. Maybe I need to look for PT job, or else, I can never start studying by the age of 23! AHHH! I need to start saving.. Life is a struggle. Grr!

Apologies for my pessimist! I will blog something happier the next time round. Hopefully soon. Stay tune if you guys wanna know more abt my life. ;)

<3 heartxbr0kenz
14mar11 1137

and she love like she nvr did.. ❤

Wednesday, December 1, 2010
I am so filled with emotions lately... have been crying everyday without fail. I feel so useless n like a crybaby. sigh... I'm sorry everyone.

011210 0040

and she love like she nvr did.. ❤

Monday, November 29, 2010
I hate it when people pressure me!!! Why must I tell someone who doesn't even concern at all.. Why are you guys so nosey? I tell whoever I want to, so stop pressuring me and ask me if I have told a particular person. I did not because I don't see a need, because he/she is not someone important or rather a person that I should even bother! Don't act like you all care, because I do not need your sympathy. WTF.

Anyway, I was just back from hospital again. Grandma is still having fever, and the figs are getting worst! It went up to her face, its jerking badly. It's really saddening to see her in such a state. Someone please help her.

112910 1355

and she love like she nvr did.. ❤

Friday, November 26, 2010
Dear all,

I deeply appreciated all the well wishes and blessings that has been coming.

With my sincere gratitude, I would like to thank Weiyong and Francis that has been providing support and stretching their hands out whenever I needed. I am so glad that you guys are always standing by me and giving me all the help I needed. Thank you so much. It is deeply appreciated by all...

I pray and pray so hard that granny will wake up to see us soon... because I really miss her.
grandma, come back to us soon...

112610 0958

and she love like she nvr did.. ❤

Thursday, November 25, 2010
hmm, and im back at work!

took urgent leave yesterday morning to send grandma to the hospital; went with the ambulance. She was unconscious again and I'm sure the reason for her being in that state was due to low blood glucose/sugar as she is a diabetic patient.. (Her body does not produce enough insulin to break down the glucose into energy for the Central Nervous System (CNS) in our brain, thus the sugar was secreted out of the body as sugar..). White foam was coming out from her mouth, and aunt was wiping for her throughout the night! She didn't know what to do about it as she thought it was okay. WHY DID SHE NOT WAKE ME UP AND CALL THE AMBULANCE!!!! I blamed it on myself for not waking at the first time my maid called me, I didn't realized she called me either...

I was worried stiff, bothered and concern for her critical condition last night that it took a long while for me to be in my dream land.. I urge to see her smiley face again, asking me to take care and not go home that late, to save money instead of spending it all away... just everything and everything! Instead of seeing her in a coma, and not waking up, just sleeping her life away (which the doctor has mentioned to be the case *touch wood). I pray hard that she will recover and be back to normal.

The reason for her being in such a critical stage is due to prolonged hypoglycemia (which means low[hypo] blood sugar) which caused her to be neuroglycopenia which highly damages the brain.. Look below for more information, and the highlight one in red is what she has been through the whole of last night!

Neuroglycopenia is a medical term that refers to a shortage of glucose (glycopenia) in the brain, usually due to hypoglycemia. Glycopenia affects the function of neurons, and alters brain function and behavior. Prolonged neuroglycopenia can result in permanent damage to the brain

In the large majority of cases, hypoglycemia severe enough to cause seizures or unconsciousness can be reversed without obvious harm to the brain. Cases of death or permanent neurologic damage occurring with a single episode have usually involved prolonged, untreated unconsciousness, interference with breathing, severe concurrent disease, or some other type of vulnerability. Nevertheless, brain damage or death has occasionally resulted from severe hypoglycemia (e.g., Sunny von Bülow). Wiki

The neuroglycopenic hypoglycemia symptoms are due to glucose deprivation of central nervous system (CNS). The neuroglycopenic symptoms of hypoglycemia are confusion, fatigue, seizure, loss of consciousness, behavioral changes and, death in extreme cases if hypoglycemia is severe and prolonged. Diabetes-And-Diabetic-Diet

Neuroglycopenic symptoms include weakness, tiredness, or dizziness; inappropriate behavior (sometimes mistaken for inebriation), difficulty with concentration; confusion; blurred vision; and, in extreme cases, coma and death. E. Medicine

She is now in coma, I am sure she can and will wake up to see us.. because we all miss her... I do not wish to think about anything for now but for her full speedy recovery.

112510 1012

and she love like she nvr did.. ❤

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
is it always the case that, when you lose someone, then you'll start to regret and blame urself for not cherishing and treasuring every moment you have with that person?

if that's the case, why not start spending more time with your loved ones now? why complain n regret later in life?

I feel so unappreciated, I feel very upset. is this the life I want? where's my guts?
and once again, I'm tearing... useless I am..

17NOV10 1642

and she love like she nvr did.. ❤

Friday, November 12, 2010
and now I'm tearing at my desk. thanks.
it all came at once.

111210 1513

and she love like she nvr did.. ❤

Monday, October 11, 2010
was supposed to end my day with an unhappy note, because my day/week begun w feeling blue..

it wasn't a great start! how tough things can be when trying to put on a strong front in front of my colleagues especially when things didn't tuen out e way we always expect.

it got better after some quiet time/ meditation at one corner by my desk...

following that, 987fm msg me and got me to go down to scape for the nokia challenge. and guess what? I got myself a new nokia X3 phone!! :)

that's something to boost about isn't it?

thanks for all e care n concern you've showered me w

101110 2335

and she love like she nvr did.. ❤

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
WeiYonG says:

Date 7 July : Monster talking to stranger about expiry of milk
Title: Throw Face Diary


and she love like she nvr did.. ❤

Friday, March 5, 2010

(Verse 1)
Beep Beep Oh Look Now There Goes My Phone
And Once Again Im Just Hoping Its A Text From You
It Aint Right i read your Messages Twice thrice
Four Times A Night Its True
Everyday I Patiently Wait
Feeling Like A Fool But I Do Anyway
Nothing Can Feel As Sweet And As Real
As Knowing I Wasn't Waiting In Vain
And Maybe Its True (may be its true) Im caught Up On You
Maybe Theres A Chance That you're
Stuck On Me Too
So Maybe Im wrong Its All In My Head
Maybe We're Afraid of Words We Both Hadnt Said
(Verse 2)
I'm Always Connected Online
Hooked On *Facebook* All The Time
Hoping You've Checked My Profile
just cant help wondering why
you play it cool cz,
im hopelessly falling for you
*every nite on my phone i
hook up with you
and i dont even like it girl
all chookin in side
why dont you and i
come owt and see what were thrying to hide *
Find More lyrics at www.sweetslyrics.com
And Maybe Its True Oh (may be its true) Im caught Up On You
(Maybe Yeh)Maybe Thers A Chance That You're Stuck On Me Too
So Maybe Im wrong Its All,In My Head
Maybe We're Afraid Words We Both Hadnt Said
*like i realy want you
i think i need you
baby i miss you
im thinking of you* (*2)
And Maybe Its True Oh (may be its true) Im caught Up On You
(Maybe Yeh)Maybe Thers A Chance That You're Stuck On Me Too
So Maybe Im wrong Its All,In My Head
Maybe We're Afraid Words We Both Hadnt Said (*2)
maybe it is true
im caught up on you
maybe i am wrong
baby i miss you

05MAR10 1103

and she love like she nvr did.. ❤

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

belated happy lunar new year to all!
hope everyone got lots and lots of ANNNGGG BAOOO~ hahas.
BUSY BUSY BSUY busy busy busy busyyyyyy after graddd
dont even have the time to blogg or rather the moo00ooo0o0ooooDDdd...
there's so many gatherings etc.. but guess it will just subside in a while. :)

HEH.. this is my secondary school cliquee..
long time since we met up! now all are gradssss except tiff
just one more sem! bear with it dear :D

steamboatttttt with poly matessss!! yummy food. thanks becky mom for opening up her place..
COHORT's chalet on 24 febb... followed by clubbing :D


and last but not least, contest at wisma...
with the celebrities :)

now working in shop... so tatasss~
dont miss me. i'll be back with more updates!
03MAR10 1749

thanks darren for the photo.
please do not stop loving, ❤ing, <3ing me! (:
Dancer ♥

x jesslin. xuemei 雪玫 [MIYUU-KI]
x sweetnineTEEN
x 30 MAY 1989

x bethanyIPC
x 89ers
x TemasekPoly ; HIPHOP TPDE
x Applied Food Science and Nutrition
x www.xuemei89.blogspot.com

*BABIIE, doggy
___ Youth Conference
___ Worship & praises
___ Bubble Tea [Honey & Pudding Milk Tea]
*OPHIX - 2007

^ HAIR to grow FASTER! >.<
^ MORE tops/bottoms
^ panda eyes to shoo~
^ MP3 (:
^ NEWspecs
^ pet pet [doggy?] =]
^ NEW&LATESThandphone >.<

Jesslin Ong
Jesslin Ong



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    Image: Deviantart
